Share on Omnia user flow
Considering that you have successfully integrated Share on Omnia, you can now enable your users to share their project on omnia directly from your platform.
Here is a step by step guide for you to educate your users how to post on omnia
Authentication of the given user
Upon triggering the Share on Omnia popup with an email, there are three possible scenarios
- User is new to Omnia
- Existing and logged in Omnia user
- Existing and logged out Omnia user
User is new to Omnia
If the given user profile does not exist on Omnia's database, the user needs to create an account on omnia. For such users, the signup form is displayed in the popup window.
The user needs to fill up the form and proceed.
User can signup using email, Google, Discord or LinkedIn
Existing omnia user (logged in from browser)
If the given user profile exists on omnia and the user is logged in to Omnia from the same browser, user can directly proceed to the post upload flow without havng to enter their credentials.
The user needs to fill up the form to create and share the post.
This is a token based authentication that uses browser cookies
Existing omnia user (not logged in from browser)
If the given user profile exists on omnia, the user will see the login form in the popup. On entering valid credential, the user will be logged in to his omnia account.
On successful login, the post creation form will be displayed.
Users can fillup this form to share his/her post on Omnia
This is a token based authentication that uses browser cookies
Post creation and sharing
On successful authentication, users need to fillup a form that takes details of the post.
Post creation form fields
- Title of your AR Project - String - This is a mandatory field. This will be the main title of the post that can be seen in the community page
- WebAR URL - String - This is an optional field. If available, a qr code is generated that helps in easy sharing of their projects.
- Description - String - This is an optional field. Users can enter a brief description of their projects. This will improve SEO and reach of the post.
- Choose Project Status - Radio - This is a mandatory field. Users need to select one option from the given choices.
Available Choices
Real World AR Project Demo AR Project AR Concept Project
- Client Name - String - This is an optional field. Users can enter the name of their client if available. This builds goodwill of the user
- Industry - Dropdown - This is an optional field. Users can enter the name of their client if available. This builds goodwill of the user
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