Join the AR Omnia community
Show off your AR work, find clients, learn from each other, use tools and much more!
If you’re one of them, you’re one of us

Software Developers interested in AR

AR Creators

AR Agency / AR Studio

Software Provider w. AR service arm
Did you know?
If you have a Business with an AR component already, it could be an AR app, a WebAR POC you tried in the past or even just an interest in implementing AR in the near future, you could use Omnia to further advertise your services and find additional development resources.

Tech company with an AR App / product
Or if you have one of these skills, welcome to the club

...and more
Discover the product
Share your *native* AR/VR work
If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then examples of your AR/VR work have to be worth millions. Your past work is the promotional tool to find new clients, and the Omnia Community board is the best place for you to show off you work and attract new clients.
You can now any of these types of files:
- 3D Models or scenes (.usdz, .glb)
- WebAR Campaigns or Projects (if you don’t have a WebAR URL, you can generate it using one of Omnia’s partner’s tools, here.)
- WebGL Projects from Unity - NEW

Make meaningful connections w. the right people
Communities enable us to welcome and help each other in a way that is impossible to do as individuals.
Everyone needs a hand at some point: be it an answer to a question, or an introduction, or a sounding board to help get over a mental hurdle.
Likewise, everyone has at some point been there to provide that help.
Building a community where AR professionals know they are not alone, but have a resource where they can find help from knowledgeable peers, as well as provide help, is central to Omnia.

Get relevant project briefs to work on, or find full-time opportunities
AR projects don't just happen.
Businesses looking for AR content require an efficient way to find the creative and experienced technical resources they need to create that content. And Creators need an effective way to promote themselves to the Businesses seeking their skills.
Omnia's Creator portal makes it easy for Creators to promote themselves with examples of their work which in turn makes it easy for Businesses to find AR creators who have the industry and technical experience they desire

Get access to tools you didn’t know existed
No matter how good the idea, you need the right tools to bring it to fruition. Omnia understands that the AR world is constantly changing as new technology and techniques are developed. Omnia's Partner program was established to make sure that Omnia creators always have access to the newest and best development tools and technology - at prices not available to the general public.

Our Creators

Ian, AR/VR Developer, Marxent
I’d love to join a platform like this, with content creators focusing on their niche.
Don't give up your earnings
AR Creators on Omnia keep 100% of their earnings. If a project costs $10,000, you’ll get paid $10,000! What are you waiting for? Join Omnia FOR FREE today.

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